Community members spoke at the East Lansing City Council meeting last Tuesday expressing concerns about a proposed sports bar and office
space as part of the community subsidized City Center II project.
The community project that is intended to attract a wider
range of ages into the Downtown East Lansing area, was met with skepticism when
East Lansing city resident Christine Root commented on her concerns of
taxpayers supporting a proposed sports bar, and suite floor office space for
the Strathmore Development Company.
“I have no doubt that a sports bar would make it
financially,” said Root, “but I cannot imagine that a majority of the people of
this city would want to subsidize a sports bar.”
East Lansing City Mayor Diane Goddeeris said after the
meeting that the citizens have been watching this project closely over the past
four years and that the council is working on their due-diligence process.
Mayor Goddeeris said that the site cannot move forward till
the development agreement is approved and the council is satisfied.
The due-diligence process entails employing outside
contractors and specialists to research the site and the plan to ensure
economically, and structurally the building is what the city will ultimately want
and need, according to Councilman Donald Power.
The final decision on the City Center II project will be
made Tuesday, July 31, 2012 where they will either move to continue with the
project, or move to forgo the project and pursue other development options.